Interne Voraufführung "muraT" des Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasiums, 4.3.2020
pupils of the Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasiums, Lichtenberg
accompanied by: Sybille Minnich-Schmidt, Joaquin Macedo
"Was wärst du?"
Interne Voraufführung "Was wärst du?" der Gretel-Bergmann-Gemeinschaftsschule, 4.3.2020
pupils of the Gretel-Bergmann-Gemeinschaftsschule, Marzahn
accompanied by: Andrea Neumann, Marcel Podwojski, Christina Krause
"Klänge der Lichter - (Kunst darf alles)"
Interne Voraufführung "Klänge der Lichter - (Kunst darf alles)" der Fichtenberg-Oberschule, 4.3.2020
pupils of the Fichtenberg-Oberschule, Steglitz
accompanied by: Henriette Förster, Sophia Lüdecke, Iñigo Giner Miranda
Interne Voraufführung "JEŞYGG BEMMM BLERŞ SCHMLLL" der Fichtelgebirge-Grundschule, 4.3.2020
pupils of the Fichtelgebirge-Grundschule, Kreuzberg
accompanied by: Nele Schwierkus, Evelyn Saylor
"Jahreszeiten | Kreislauf der Erde"
Uraufführung "Jahreszeiten | Kreislauf der Erde" der Heinrich-Böll Oberschule, 25.3.2019
pupils of the Heinrich-Böll SecondarySschool, Spandau
accompanied by: Naomi Pinnock, Henning WItte, Tomoya Yokokawa
"Der Tod und das Mädchen"
Uraufführung "Der Tod und das Mädchen" der Parzival-Schule, 26.3.2019
pupils of the Parzival-School, Zehlendorf
accompanied by: Mehyar Abboud, Ute Wassermann, Achim Zitzmann
"Die große Pause"
Uraufführung "Die große Pause" der Rosa-Parks-Grundschule, 26.3.2019
pupils of the Rosa-Parks-Primary School, Kreuzberg
accompanied by: Arduba Asllani, Maximilian Guth, Szilvia Kertesz, Amir Shpilman
"Fred und das Gewitter"
Uraufführung "Fred und das Gewitter" der Grundschule unter dem Regenbogen, 27.3.2019
pupils of the Primary School Under the Rainbow, Marzahn
accompanied by: Franziska Hildner, Elinor Metzke, Silvia Ocougne, Nina Steinbach
"Missing Syntheziser"
Uraufführung "Missing Sytheziser" des Friedrich-Ebert-Gymnasiums, 27.3.2019
pupils of the Friedrich-Ebert Secondary School, Wilmersdorf
accompanied by: Maxina Gehrke, Roland Jurisch, Genoël von Lilienstern, Thomas Vömel
"Pflanzen, Tiere und Magneten"
Uraufführung "Pflanzen, Tiere und Magneten" der Fichtelgebirge Grundschule, 19.3.2018
pupils ot the JÜL of the Fichtelgebirge Primary School, Kreuzberg
accompanied by: Gilberto Moreno, Martina Multhaup, Jeruscha Strelow, Stellan Veloce und Silja Vesterling
"Wir Komponieren"
Uraufführung "Wir Komponieren" der Süd-Grundschule, 19.3.2018
pupils ot the third grade of the Süd-Primary School, Zehlendorf
accompanied by: Ehsan Khatibi, Mijin Oh und Angelika Siegmund
"Risiken und Nebenwirkungen oder der Patron bei der Hochzeit"
pupils ot the 11th grade of the Otto-Hahn-Secondary School, Britz
accompanied by: Sabine Ercklentz, Lena Meier und Rasool Poursangari
"Farben ohne Licht"
Uraufführung "Farben ohne Licht" der Grundschule unter dem Regenbogen, 22.3.2018
pupils ot the 6th grade ot the Primary School Under the Rainbow, Marzahn
accompanied by: Sophie Daedelow, Christian Kesten und Nina Steinbach
Uraufführung "Portrait/Landscape" der Hector-Peterson-Schule, 22.3.2018
pupils ot the 10th grade of the Hector-Peterson-Secondary School, Kreuzberg
accompanied by: Julian Hennel, Konstanze Kivi, Nico Sauer und David Reuter
"The G´s!"
Uraufführung "The G´s!" des Kant-Gymnasiums, Spandau, 20.03.2017
pupils of the 9th grade of the Kant-Secondary School, Spandau
accompanied by: Tjeda Efken, Elie Gregory, Kerstin Wehmeyer
"Geordnetes Chaos"
Uraufführung "Geordnetes Chaos" der Kurt-Tucholsky-Oberschule, Pankow, 20.03.2017
pupils of the 9th grade of the Kurt-Tucholsky-Secondary School, Pankow
accompanied by: Misa Cvijovic, Sarah Müller, Alexander Patzelt, Lucas Temming
"Die A3-Pferde"
Uraufführung "Die A3-Pferde" der Fritz-Karsen-Schule, Britz, 23.03.2017
pupils of the 4th to 6th grade of the Fritz-Karsen-Primary School, Britz
accompanied by: Nik Bohnenberger, Anna Göpfert, Kiika Hyytiäinen, Leonie Lechle
Uraufführung "TECHNOWALD" der Bettina-von-Arnim-Schule, Reinickendorf, 23.03.2017
pupils of the 8th grade of Bettina-von-Arnim-Secondary School, Reinickendorf
accompanied by: Ute Aßmus, Antoine Boecker, Genoel von Lilienstern
"1001 Klang"
Uraufführung "1001 Klang" der Bürgermeister-Herz-Grundschule, Kreuzberg, 15.03.2016
pupils of the 6th grade of ther Bürgermeister-Herz-Primary School, Kreuzberg
accompanied by: Josefine Andronic, Lea Danzeisen, Manfred Rosenberger
Uraufführung "Fescfjanlig" der Luise-Henriette-Schule, Tempelhof, 15.03.2016
pupils of the 8th grade of the Luise-Henriette-Secondary School, Tempelhof
accompanied by: Sascha Janko Dragićević, Magdalena Hasse, Marlen Vehlhaber
Uraufführung "Ka-me-hame-Schneeballschlacht-ha" der Fritz-Karsen-Schule, Britz, 15.03.2016
pupils of the 8th grade of the Fritz-Karsen-School, Britz
accompanied by: Anna Göpfert, Matthias Hanusch, Miika Hyytiäinen
"Getrennte Gemeinsamkeiten"
Uraufführung "Getrennte Gemeinsamkeiten" des Humboldt-Gymnasiums, Tegel, 17.03.2016
pupils of the 9th grade of the Humboldt-Secondary School, Tegel
accompanied by: Michael Christoph, Christian Kesten, Isabell Wiedenbeck
"Jure cegeluakla emmohama"
Uraufführung " Jure cegeluakla emmohama" der Fichtelgebirge Grundschule, Kreuzberg, 17.03.2016
pupils of the welcome-class of the Fichtelgebirge Primary School, Kreuzberg
accompanied by: Uriel Alatriste, Marianne Quell-Altemeier, Lula Romero
"Aller Anfang ist schwer"
Uraufführung "Aller Anfang ist schwer" des Askanischen Gymnasiums, Tempelhof-Schöneberg, 17.03.2016
pupils of the 8th grade of the Askanischen Secondary School Tempelhof-Schöneberg
accompanied by: Malte Cohrt, Uday Krishnakumar, Kerstin Schaefer
2014 / 2015
pupils of the 5th grade of the Fichtelgebirge-Grundschule, Kreuzberg
accompanied by: teacher: Gabi Berger, composer: Stefan Roszak
"Das Phänomen Zeit"
Uraufführung "Das Phänomen Zeit" der Evangelischen Schule Köpenick, 23.03.2015
(premiere of the composition of the Evangelischen Schule Köpenick)
Pupils of the Evangelischen Schule Köpenick
accompanied by: teacher Christoph Stange, composer: François Sarhan, student: Elsa Franz
"cantuS cOnfuSus"
Uraufführung "cantuS cOnfuSus" des Paul-Natorp-Gymnasiums, Friedenau, 23.03.2015
(premiere of the composition of the Paul-Natorp Secondary School)
Pupils of the 11th grade of the Paul-Natorp-Gymnasiums, Friedenau
accompanied by: teacher: Irmtraud Horstkotte, composer: Christian Kesten, students: Danila Linzke, Kalle Kosthorst
"Geheimnisvolle Luft"
Uraufführung "Geheimnisvolle Luft" der Parzival-Schule Berlin, Zehlendorf, 25.03.2015
(premiere of the composition of the Parzival-Schule Berlin)
Pupils of the 9th grade of the Parzival-Schule Berlin, Zehlendorf
accompanied by: teacher: Achim Zitzmann, composer: Matthias Jann, students: Ingela Wermers, Jonathan Kühnl
"33 Escape"
Uraufführung "33 Escape" der Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Schule Berlin, Pankow, 25.03.2015
(premiere of the composition of the Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Schule Berlin)
Pupils of the 10th grade of the Felix-Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Schule Berlin, Pankow
accompanied by: teacher: Anke Hoefer, composer: Petros Ovsepyan, artist: Joachim Hamster-Damm student: Marion Schulten Polz, Gisa Linnen
"Big City Life"
Uraufführung "Big City Life" des Willi-Graf-Gymnasiums, Lichterfelde, 25.03.2015
(premiere of the composition of the Willi-Graf-Gymnasium)
Pupils of the 11th grade of the Willi-Graf-Gymnasiums, Lichterfelde
accompanied by: teacher: Martina Barsch, composer: Nuria Núñez-Hierro, student: Magdalena Hasse
2013 / 2014
pupils of the State School of Ballett and Artistry, Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
accompanied by: teacher - Henning Wehmeyer, composer - Burkhard Friedrich, students - Katharina Schulze, Jenny Schwericke
pupils of the 10th grade, Lily Braun Secondary School, Berlin-Spandau
accompanied by: teacher - Christian Cantauw, composer - Stefan Lienenkämper, students - Normen Riediger, Maria da Rocha
pupils of the advanced music course, Paulsen Secondary School, Berlin-Steglitz
accompanied by: teacher - Ralf Simons, composer - Ute Wassermann, students - Sabrina Friedrich, Félice Späth
"Beziehungsweise(n)" ("relationship(s)")
pupils of the 11th grade, Willi Graf Secondary School, Berlin-Lichterfelde
accompanied by: teacher - Martina Barsch, composer - Eleftherios Veniadis, students - Thomas Göhing, Gisa Linnen
"KLANGpunkt NEUkölln" ("sound-point Neukölln")
pupils of the 9th grade, Alfred Nobel School, Berlin-Neukölln
accompanied by: teacher - Regine Steinke, composer -Matthias Jann, students - Rebekka Debernitz, Lucia Kelly
"Das Spektakel" ("The spectacle")
link follows
pupils of the 5th grade, Rosa Parks Primary School, Berlin-Kreuzberg
accompanied by: teacher - Martina Schmidt, composer - Sascha Dragicevic, assistant - Magdalena Hasse
2012 / 2013
"MUSIK OHNE MUSIK" ("music without music")
Uraufführung der Komposition der Katholischen Theresienschule
(premiere of the composition of the Catholic Theresian School)
pupils of the 10th grade, Catholic Theresian School, Berlin-Weißensee
accompanied by: teacher - Christoph Stange, composer - Tom Rojo Poller, students - Yorick Lohse and Johannes Pech
Uraufführung der Komposition der John F. Kennedy Schule
(premiere of the composition of the John F. Kennedy School)
pupils of the 11th grade, John F. Kennedy School, Berlin-Dahlem
accompanied by: teacher - Esther Freymadl, composer - Ute Wassermann, students - Sarah Dietzlfelbinger and Magdalena Hasse
"Ess-Moll-Symphonie" ("E flat minor symphony")
Uraufführung der Komposition der Hector- Peterson- Schule
(premiere of the composition of the Hector Peterson School)
pupils of the 10th grade, Hector Peterson School, Berlin-Kreuzberg
accompanied by: teacher - David Reuter, composer - Mathias Hinke, students - Alexandra Bendzko and Katarzyna Wasiak
Uraufführung der Komposition des Georg-Friedrich-Händel-Gymnasiums
(premiere of the composition of the Georg Friedrich Händel Secondary School)
pupils of the advanced music course Q1, Georg Friedrich Händel Secondary School, Berlin-Friedrichshain
accompanied by: teacher - Katrin Hübner, composer - Michael Hirsch, students - Andrea Hoffeld and Irma Samuelis
"[ ]"
Uraufführung der Komposition der Evangelischen Schule Köpenick
(premiere of the composition of the Evangelian School Köpenick)
pupils of the 10th grade, Evangelian School, Berlin-Köpenick
accompanied by: teacher - Eva-Maria Leder, composer - Amelia Cuni, student - Marcel Podwojski
"Ansichtssache" ("matter of opinion")
Uraufführung der Komposition des Heinrich-Schliemann-Gymnasiums
(premiere of the composition of the Heinrich Schliemann Secondary School)
pupils of the 7th grade, Heinrich Schliemann Secondary School
accompanied by: teacher - Michael Krois, composer - Sascha Dragicevic, assistants - Sarah Krispin and Henriette Förster
Uraufführung der Komposition der Evangelischen Schule Berlin Mitte und Zentrum (Ensemble Quer)
(premiere of the composition of the Evangelian School)
pupils of different classes, Evangelian School, Berlin-Mitte
accompanied by: teacher - Regine Schultz-Zehden, composer - Héctor Moro, assistant - Lena Volk
"Berlin - eine Reise aus dem eigenen Zimmer zum Alexanderplatz und wieder zurück"
Uraufführung der Komposition der Gebrüder-Montgolfier-Oberschule
(premiere of the composition of the Brothers Montgolfier Secondary School)
pupils of the 11th grade, Brothers Montgolfier Secondary School, Berlin-Johannistal
accompanied by: teacher - Mathias König, composer - Laura Mello, assistant - Martin Roever
"Komische Klänge"
Uraufführung der Komposition des Goethe-Gymnasiums Wilmersdorf
(premiere of the composition of the Goethe Secondary School Wilmersdorf)
pupils of the 8th grade, Goethe Secondary School, Berlin-Wilmersdorf
accompanied by: teacher - Elmar Schmitz, composer - David Graham, assistant - Sarah Krispin
"Gamelanträume im Gewand von Bettina von Arnim im 21. Jahrhundert"
Uraufführung der Komposition der Bettina-von-Arnim-Schule
(premiere of the composition of the Bettina von Armin School)
pupils of the 8th grade, Bettina von Arnim School, Berlin-Reinickendorf
accompanied by: teacher - Ute Aßmus, composer - Leah Muir
"Mein Tag - Ein musikalisches Spiel ohne Worte für Kinder"
pupils of the 1st - 3rd grade, Jens Nydahl Primary School, Berlin-Kreuzberg
accompanied by: teacher - Christine Meyke, composer - Mayako Kubo, assistants - Martin Roever, Johannes Held and Lea Heinrich
2011 / 2012
Konzertperformance der Kurt-Schwitters-Schule bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupls of the 9th grade, Kurt-Schwitters School, Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
accompanied by: teacher - Andreas Bunckenburg, composer - Erez Holz, students - Nora Fraisse and Jonathan Rohrer
"Ahmed und Julia"
Konzertperformance der Hector-Peterson-Schule bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the 9th grade, Hector Peterson School, Berlin-Kreuzberg
accompanied by: teacher - David Reuter, composer / performer - Tobias Dutschke, students - Patrizia Sonntag and Inka Gbur
Konzertperformance des Heinrich-Hertz-Gymnasiums bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the 11th grade, Heinrich Hertz Secondary School, Berlin-Friedrichshain
accompanied by: teacher - Marlies Duwe, composer - Makiko NIshikaze, students - Zarko Jovasevic and Hannes Baumgart
"Konflikt - ein Stück für drei Gruppen im Raum"
Konzertperformance der Bertha-von-Suttner-Europaschule bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the 11th grade, Bertha von Suttner Europe School, Berlin-Reinickendorf
accompanied by: teacher - Henning Wehmeyer, composer - Matthias Hinke, students - Sebastian Hensel and Henrike Löchte
"Klänge aus der Höhle der Zeit"
Konzertperformance der Käthe-Kollwitz-Schule bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the 11th grade, Käthe Kollwitz School, Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
accompanied by: teacher - Tobias Hömberg, composer - Stefan Keller, students - Maria Hawlitzki and Sven Ratzel
"Crash Voc"
Konzertperformance der Evangelischen Schule Berlin MItte bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the 4th, 5th and 6th grade, Evangelian School, Berlin-Mitte
accompanied by: teacher - Regine Schultz-Zehden, composer - Héctor Moro
Konzertperformance der Fichtelgebirge-Grundschule 2012 bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the 5th grade, Fichtelgebirge Primary School, Berlin-Kreuzberg
accompanied by: teacher - Gabi Berger, composer - Sascha Dragicevic, assistants - Wiebke Heiber and Neele Hülcker
"Es geht um die Freiheit" ("It's about freedom")
Konzertperformance der Romain-Rolland-Oberschule bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the advanced music class, Romain Rolland Secondary School, Berlin-Reinickendorf
accompanied by: teacher - Katja Brunsmann, composer - Dietrich EIchmann, assistant - Anna Göpfert
"Der große Klang, My Own Experience, Der sterbende Elefant, Die Klänge der Welt, EIn Schlaflied in den Tod"
Konzertperformance der Gruppenkompositionen der Romain-Rolland-Oberschule bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
compositions of small groups by pupils of the advanced music course, Romain Rolland Secondary School, Berlin-Reinickendorf
accompanied by: teacher - Katja Brunsmann, composer - Dietrich EIchmann, assistanz - Anna Göpfert
"Ohne Titel" ("Without title")
Konzertperformance des Carl-Zeiss-Gymnasiums bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the elementary music course, Carl Zeiss Secondary School, Berlin-Lichterfelde
accompanied by: teacher - Carola Neubert, composer - Makiko Nishikaze, assistant - Laura Mello and Michael Krois
"Musikprojekt Experimentelle Musik"
electronic compositions by pupils of the 11th grade, Droste Hülshoff Secondary School, Berlin-Zehlendorf
accompanied by: teacher - Andreas Göbel, composer - Héctor Moro, assistants - Sarah Krispin and Michael Krois
Droste-Hülshoff-Crime-2012 by QuerKlang
Droste-Hülshoff-2012-Klavierstunde by QuerKlang
Droste-Hülshoff-2012-Elektrischer-Alltag by QuerKlang
Droste-Hülshoff-2012-Who Am I by QuerKlang
Droste-Hülshoff-2012-Kaffekränzchen by QuerKlang
Droste-Hülshoff-2012-Spooky by QuerKlang
2010 / 2011
Konzertperformance von "Reibungen" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the 6th, 7th and 8th grade, Johann Zeune Blind School, Berlin-Steglitz
accompanied by: teacher - Sola Tetzlaff, composer - Héctor Moro, students - Theresa Patzschke and WIebke Heiber
"Farbenspiel für zwanzig Musikanten"
Konzertperformance von "Farbenspiel für zwanzig Musikanten" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the 5th grade, Humboldhain Primary School, Berlin-Wedding
accompanied by: teacher - Christoph Riggert, composer - Sascha Dragicevic, students - Anna Carolin Eckhardt and Regina Weber
Konzertperformance von "Klassenwahnsinn" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the 4th grade, 1st Collective School, Berlin-Neukölln
accompanied by: teachers - Ingetraud Bönte, Michael Hackenberger, composer - Ketan Bhatti, students - Stefanie Arend
"Wasser-Technik-Schönheit" ("water-technic-beauty")
Konzertperformance von "Wasser-Technik-Schönheit" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
elementary music course, Heinz Berggruen Secondary School, Berlin-Charlottenburg
accompanied by: teacher - Holger Schaeffer, composer - Mayako Kubo, students - Martin Roever, Lea Philippa Heinrich and Johannes Held
"Unser Leben spielen"
Konzertperformance von "Unser Leben spielen" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the 6th grade, Heinrich Hertz Secondary School, Berlin-Friedrichshain
accompanied by: teacher - Marlies Duwe, composer - Makiko Nishikaze, students - Benjamin Schneider and Hanna-Lena Kühn
Nachhall (Pilot):
"Magische Instrumente" ("magical instruments")
Konzertperformance der Fichtelgebirge-Grundschule bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the 4th grade, Fichtelgebirge Primary School, Berlin-Kreuzberg
accompanied by: teacher - Gabi Berger, composer - Sascha Dragicevic, students - Henriette Förster and Franziska May, construction of instruments - Stefan Roszak
2009 / 2010
Konzertperformance von "Gegenstandsmusik" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the 3th grade, Neumark Primary School, Berlin-Schöneberg
accompanied by: teacher - Gabriele Garske, composer - Robin Hayward, students - Hemma Jäger
"Klangalltag in der Schule"
Konzertperformance von "Klangalltag in der Schule" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the 7th - 9th grade, Evangelian School (mixed ages), Berlin-Mitte
accompanied by: teacher - Detlef Franz, composer - Ana Maria Rodriguez
"Das Spektakel der Farben"
Konzertperformance von "Das Spektakel der Farben" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the 5th grade, Gottfried Herder Secondary School, Berlin-Lichtenberg
accompanied by: teacher - Ute Aßmus, composer - Leah Muir
"Pulsierende Mantarochen"
Konzertperformance von "Pulsierende Mantarochen" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
pupils of the 3rd - 6th grade (mixed ages), Evangelian School, Berlin-MItte
accompanied by: teacher - Regine Schultz-Zehden, composer - Héctor Moro, student - Michael A. Krois
2008 / 2009
"Kommunikation an Obstsalat serviert auf Band"
Konzertperformance von "Kommunikation an Obstsalat serviert auf Band" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
Romain-Rolland Secondary School, Berlin-Reinickendorf
accompanied by: teacher - Katja Brunsmann, composer - Thomas Meadowcroft, students - Michael Krois and Laura Mello
"Für Louise", "Nichts", "Despertar–se", "That’s la vie"
Konzertperformance von "Für Louise", "Nichts", "Despertar–se", "That’s la vie" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
Johann-Gottfried-Herder Secondary School, Berlin-Lichtenberg
accompanied by: teacher - Matthias Peuthert, composer - Ana María Rodríguez, students - Annegret Loof and Marei Stumpf
"Klangminiatur / Variationen 1-3"
Konzertperformance von "Klangminiatur / Variationen 1-3" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
6th class, Lenau Primary School, Berlin-Kreuzberg
accompanied by: teachers - Sibylle Recke, Uwe Fischer, Karin Balteas, composer - Iris ter Schiphorst, students - Anja Milena Hiller and Franziska May
"Saisons of Fantasy"
Konzertperformance von "Saisons of Fantasy" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
Carl-Zeiss Secondary School, Berlin-Tempelhof
accompanied by: teacher - Carola Neubert, composer - Yoav Pasovsky
"Stadt – Klang – Welt"
Konzertperformance von "Stadt – Klang – Welt" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
5th class, Fichtelgebirge Primary School, Berlin-Kreuzberg
accompanied by: teacher - Gabriele Berger, composer - David Graham, students - Merle Weißbach and Sarah Krispin
2006 / 2007
Konzertperformance von "Klangwirbel" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
12th class, Romain-Rolland Secondary School, Waidmannslust
accompanied by: teacher - Katja Brunsmann, composer - Dietrich Eichmann, students - Alexander Ballreich and Steffen Honnens
„Wie kurz ist meine lange Weile?“
Konzertperformance von "Wie kurz ist meine lange Weile" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
7th class, Askanische Secondary School, Berlin-Tempelhof
accompanied by: teacher - Detlef Franz, composer - Silvia Ocougne, students - Robert Sweet and Christian Syperek
Konzertperformance von "Pro-vie-l-schall-t-kreis" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
11th class - Profilkurs der Droste-Hülshoff School, Berlin-Zehlendorf
accompanied by: teacher - Kirsten Gatemann, composer - Aleksander Kolkowski, students - Katrin Hübner and Timur Tersiev
"Nage ChunJuan"
Konzertperformance von "Nage ChunJuan" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
10th class, Droste-Hülshoff School, Berlin-Zehlendorf
accompanied by: teacher - Katrin Kobin, composers / musicians - WU WEI and Elena Mendoza-López, student - Jochen Kallenberger
"Humboldthainrhythmus 65"
Konzertperformance von "Humboldthainrhythmus 65" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
6th class, Primary School Humboldthain, Berlin-Wedding
accompanied by: teacher - Christoph Riggert, composer - Kirsten Reese, students - Anna Göpfert and Ulrike Ruf
"Parvus ludus – Ein kleines Spiel der schrägen 28"
Konzertperformance von "Parvus ludus" bei Vimeo ansehen
(Watch the concert performance on Vimeo)
5th class, Goethe Secondary School, Berlin-Wilmersdorf
accompanied by: teacher - Elmar Schmitz, componistin - Cathy van Eck, students - Henriette Förster and Cathleen Lüdde
2003 / 2004
pupils of the 2nd class, primary school, Arkonaplatz Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
accompanied by: teacher - Sabine Berndt, composer - Dietrich Eichmann, students - Annika Schmitz and Karsten Schröder
"Wie Bitte?"
pupils of the 11th class, Askanische Oberschule Berlin-Tempelhof
accompanied by: teacher - Detlef Franz, composer / musician - Peter Ablinger, Claudia Herr, students - Aschraf El-Ali and Christian Hering
"Werk Statt Konzert"
pupils of the 12th class, Droste-Hülshoff-Oberschule Zehlendorf
accompanied by: teacher - Kirsten Gatemann, composer - Silvia Ocougne, students - Andreas Göbel and Marcella Feiten
"crash of scool - absturz der schule"
pupils of the 6th class, primary school, Humboldthain Berlin-Wedding
accompanied by: teacher - Christoph Riggert, composer / musician - Christophe Meierhans, Chico Mello, students - Anna-Christina Gorbatschova and Raphael Komarnicki
"where do mars and venus go?"
pupils of the 7th class, Schiller secondary school, Berlin-Charlottenburg
accompanied by: teacher and composer - Scott Wilkinson, students - Giuliana Bendandi and Tobias Heine