QuerKlang is existing since 2003. In this duration we have produced different documentations of the process:
A cooperation project of the Universität der Künste, Klangzeitort, k&k kultkom, Kulturkontakte e.V. and the festival for contemporary music, "Maerz Musik" of the Berlin festival in cooperation with Berlin schools and freelance composers.
Pupils of different ages are inspired to experiment with musical material and to develop a collective composition in the context of the classroom. They are visited by a team of three or four for twenty lessons (ten double lessons), the team consists of a music teacher, a composer and two music students. At the beginning the main focus is on experiments with extended musical material and with ideas of creation. At the end of the process there are class compositions which are performed by the pupils themselves within the scope of the festival "MaerzMusik" in Berlin.
You can have a look at the whole film (approx. 30 min lengths) on Vimeo at the following link:
QuerKlang - Experimentelles Komponieren in der Schule. Ein Film von Björn Speidel
(QuerKlang - experimental composing at school. A film by Björn Speidel)