Workhsops and further training
Symposium – March 20th – 22nd 2014
Cross cuts – between art and experimental didactics
Based on the 10-year-long expertise of QuerKlang – Experimental Composing in Schools we focused on the critical reflection and practical experiences of borders within the upcoming symposium. Borders between experimental didactics and traditional training, between artists and teachers and between Music, Drama and Fine Arts and their mediation in school.
The goal of the strong connection of content, scientific reflection and hands-on practice in talks, panels and workshops/ labs was crossing the borders and create new approaches to education and arts production in school.
QuerKlang - and its advancements Nachhall and Transfer – combines now for over 10 years the education of cultural, artistic and social skills in a complex problem structure. Though time and resources are always short in school QuerKlang is mostly welcomed and integrated into the school’s everyday. Throughout the symposium we presented experiences made with QuerKlang and complemented those with other artistic project in schools. The transfer of QuerKlang’s approach onto the fields of Fine Arts, Drama and Dance were focus and forecast of the conference. The interdisciplinary key-note speakers underlined the need to think and reflect cultural and experimental learning together.
Artists, teachers, cultural managers and producers, students and everyone working or interested in working in the field of art or education were welcome.
The symposium took place within MaerzMusik – Festival for New Music inside the University of Fine Arts Berlin and the Haus der Berliner Festspiele.
Quergänge was a cooperation of University of Arts Berlin, klangzeitort, k&k kultkom, Berliner Festspiele/ MaerzMusik, Kulturstiftung der Länder/ Kinder zum Olymp!, Deutsche Bank Stiftung.
Further materials:
Here you will find an overwiew of QuerGänge!
Study by Prof. Dr. Susanne Keuchel about the "Impact of contests on cultural education biographies using the example of 'Kinder zum Olymp!'" (in German)
As an extension to QuerKlang, Nachhall offers the possibility to further develop concepts and access to experimental music and experimental educational theory and to deepen and therefore strengthen approaches for teachers, students and musicians to a permanently available repertoire.
Realisation in cooperation with